Friday, February 25, 2011

Audience Roundup

Audience: A group of listeners or spectators; a group of ardent admirers or devotees: following

Roundup: A gathering in of scattered persons or things

I was anxious to harness these reflections after this morning's constitutional swim at a local outdoor pool. In the process of writing this post in my head on the way home, I stopped at a produce market for apples--I believe in eating one a day. I realized that I didn't have my wallet with me and in the same breath felt in the pocket of a jacket that I wear on blustery days like this, and found enough change to buy some organic Fujis. While I was paying, the cashier asked me if I wanted some bananas. Immediately, I said, "No," and left the store. I returned and said, "Yes, I would like some bananas." When I purchased them, the cashier asked me if I wanted some organic oranges. This woman whom I was seeing for the first time had succeeded in making me her audience. How did she do it? She captured my attention.

I've just finished self-publishing my third book, Painted Deserts. My first novel, Tanner Blue, has won national and international awards. My second book, Music for the Dream--Seven Short Stories, was a finalist for an international award. I'm grateful to those who find value in my writing because I sure do love to write!

I live in a field of dreams, firmly believing that "The people will come," as a simple matter of faith and trust. It is out of my hands to determine the "when" or "how" of my audience being rallied. All I can do is keep casting out the lassos, book by heartfelt book.

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